How much do I owe?

TradeUp Blog
2 min readFeb 24, 2021


We get this question a lot — and it makes sense! The easiest way to find out how much you owe is to download the TradeUp mobile App. Simply search for “TradeUp Student Assistant” in the App store.

It’s important to us that you understand how your income share agreement works (ISA), here is an explanation of how we calculate your monthly charges.

What is an ISA anyway?

An ISA is a financial commitment between a student and TradeUp wherein the student promises to give a percentage of their income to TradeUp for a few years after completing a training program. In exchange, the student receives tuition upfront as well as free support services from TradeUp to help them graduate and find employment.

So how much do I owe?

Because what you owe depends on how much you earn — we can’t give a specific dollar amount that you owe without knowing your income. Regardless, here is an illustrative example of how the ISA works:

Say you graduate from a training program and find a job that pays $45,000 annually. Your income share percentage dictates how much you owe. For example, if you agreed to share 8% of your income that means 8% of $45,000 which is $3,600.

$3,600 is the amount you owe for the year but payments are made monthly. To find out what you owe on a monthly basis, take the yearly amount and divide by 12 — you get $300!
So if you earn $45,000 and have an 8% income share rate, you owe $300 monthly as long as your salary does not change. The amount you owe monthly goes up if your salary goes up and the same applies if your salary goes down.

What do I do if I still have questions?

ISAs are a new financial product, so we get that they can be confusing! We are here to help you understand this financial agreement, please do not hesitate to reach out if you are an existing customer with questions about your ISA.

